Ustadha Warda

Ustadha Wara completed her Islamic studies at a Madrassah in Ilford from the age of 5 to 12 years and completed the recitation of the Quran many times during this time. She then started the Aalimah classes at Al Ghazzali after becoming a spiritual student of Hazrat Sufi Sahib (ra) at the age of 14 and graduated from Al Ghazzali Institute in April 2019. She has taught the foundation Aalimah courses at a local Islamic centre and also taught younger classes during the past 3 years. She has been given authority to teach by Hazrat Sufi Sahib (ra) and spends her spare time sharing the knowledge she has learnt. Ustadha Warda also has a BSc in Biomedical Science and is currently training to become a Clinical /Biomedical Scientist as part of a scientist training programme.